We made it to London! It took nearly 18 hours, but we did it!
And by 18 hours, I mean total travel time from when I left the house to when we made it to the hotel. Our plane was supposed to leave MSP at 5:25pm. However, due to a broken component on the plane, our flight kept getting delayed further and further until we were informed that they were just going to swap out planes. We didn't leave MSP until 10:15pm. At least we got a free meal out of it?
So we wound up landing in London a little after noon. Found our luggage, got through customs, and found our driver with very little hassle. We made it to our hotel and dropped off our baggage before making a beeline for the nearest cafe for some much needed caffiene!
Afterwards, we walked through the rain to a nearby mall. Not because we really wanted to go shopping, but more like we needed a way to stay awake before the welcoming drinks at 6pm.
As I write this, we've both settled into our hotel room, taken showers, and are snacking on Cheese-its. This evening we'll get to meet the rest of our group who opted to do the early-extension to London and hopefully find some good food!
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