We left London today to journey first to Oxford and then to Stonehenge! But let's start with Oxford.
Oxford is only a little over an hour drive west of London (provided you don't get caught in traffic). Some things I noticed on the drive that are different from interstates in the US:
1. Despite the fact that the speed limit is 70, there are lots of areas for cars and trucks to just pull over on the side of the road and people to get out and stretch or fix something on their car.
2. Road signs are some times hidden by trees/foliage.
3. Trees/foliage are only a foot or less away from the edge of the road.
4. Everyone drives like they are in Mad Max Fury Road.
So, after an hour of white knuckling the seat in front of me, we arrived at the quaint town of Oxford! Oxford, as you know, is home to Oxford University. It also home to about a hundred little bookstores and coffee shops.
Our first thing in Oxford, was a short walking tour of the university. We did not get to see all of it as all 30 colleges within the university are quite expansive, however we did get to see new college (only built in 1379). We saw a few dorm buildings, the mess hall, the chapel and cloisters, Radcliffe's square, and the Bodlian Library. (pictures below)
I can honestly saw it was awe-inspiring! I have always wanted to visit Oxford, it was just as breath-taking as I imagined. And while I may never claim to be a student of Oxford, I can say that I used the bathroom there!
After our tour of the university, we had some time to wander the city. Megan and I got a quick lunch before doing some serious shopping. I marked several items off of my to buy list, most puchased from the covered market (a collection of stores and restaurants selling everything from souvenirs to meat pies!). We also visited the oldest bookstore in Oxford, Blackwell's! It was amazing all on it's own! I could've spent ages there!
Afterwards, we hopped back in the van and drove another hour to Stonehenge. When approaching Stonehenge, you can see the magnificent and iconic stones emerge from behind a hill while driving. The flat green land surrounding it and the blue gray sky behind it. It almost doesn't seem real.
We parked and made the walk around the stones. With each step, you gain a new angle to look at. With each breath you realize that you are looking at something that was built over 5,000 years ago with only the simplest of tools. It truly is a site to behold. I only wish I could have been able to see them with less tourists around. Kids running and playing and guys making silly poses does tend to ruin the moment.
There is also a small exhibit area where tourists can learn of life back then and how Stonehenge was thought to be used.
The two hour drive back from Stonehenge was thankfully uneventful. And when we got back, Megan I got dinner at the pub on the corner. I finally got some proper fish and chips! Also had a pint of Guiness and some Halloumi fries.
10/10 recommend!!
Alright, that's about it for now. Tomorrow we take the train up to Edinburgh!
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